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Onboard is the initial "briefing" period where brand new characters are given an overview of the situation. It is how the players are initially introduced to the story and main quest. In the scenario, the players have all made their way to a NASAC Forward Operating Base in Denver (however they came to be there), and they are introduced to the commander of the installation, Major Ballard. He then explains the situation and their goals, and gives the group its first tasking.

Beginning Monologue

Welcome to Forward Operating Base Fortuna. I'm Major Ballard, the commanding officer of this installation. I do not care what brought you here, whether its for want of a hot meal or that you want to join the ranks of the Army Corps. If your intentions are ill, however, we will find out and you will be dealt with accordingly. That being said, we need all the bodies we can get our hands on. Right now, the New American States government is working tirelessly to restore civilization as soon as possible. Part of that process involves setting up safe zones where survivors can get supplies, protection, and medical treatment. This base is our foothold in the Denver area. My job is to make this area safe. The Army Corps needs soldiers, but my process differs from the normal. I will offer you a deal: help me and prove your worth and I will offer you a position in the Army Corps.

We are attempting to expand our operations and build another fire base. A couple weeks ago I dispatched a unit to a small township called Clutchdale to assess its suitability for a fire base location. They sent back a situation report upon arrival, then we lost contact. Your task is to go to Clutchdale and determine what happened to this unit. I want you to continue the assessment. If you think the area can be made into a fire base, I want you to clear the area of hostiles and begin building a temporary operations center. Use whatever you find to fortify your position, stockpile supplies, etc. Once the area is safe, radio back to me and we will send reinforcements. Consider this a test.

What we know is that there are an unknown number of survivors in Clutchdale, as well as a Blueback presence. Expect to find twitchers and wild animals as well. See Corporal Shackley for some supplies to take with you. After you've done so, a convoy will insert you into one of four locations (point them out on the map). Let them know where to drop you off. Take this map with you, and good luck.

Corporal Shackley

Alright, listen up. My name is Corporal Shackley. I'm the quartermaster here at FOB Fortuna. The supplies I give you are all you get for now. We have limited stockpiles, so don't ask for anything else, because you won't get it. I am not your friend. You are not my boss. You will not be getting any sweet weapons or gear at this time, so again, don't ask. Whatever weapons and gear you have with you now are what you will have outside the wire. If you find that inadequate, I suggest you scavenge for better gear.

At this point, Shackley provides each character with 1 basic first aid kit, 1 can of Corlman's Stew, 1 Cheetah Burner.